How to Properly Layer Your Skincare
It’s the classic beauty conundrum: in what order should I apply my skincare products? Does it even matter? Yes, it does matter! Today we’re showing you how to layer your products in a way that will give you...
Synthetic Fragrance Health Effects and How to Avoid Them? Tips from our Founder, Emilie.
Before founding LATHER, Emilie Hoyt spent years searching for a solution to alleviate her chronic migraines. She learned the biggest culprit was the synthetic fragrances found in her personal care...
How To Beat The Winter Blues?
Got the winter blues? You're not alone. Here's what can help instantly.
The Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid
Why skincare fanatics can’t stop obsessing over hyaluronic acid?
Why Honey Makes The Absolute Best Face Mask, Cleanser And Moisturizer?
Honey boasts antibacterial, antioxidant and moisturizing properties that make it the ultimate skin savior.
4 Undeniable Reasons To Add Chia Seeds To Your Skincare Routine
Why chia seed oil is our go-to, must-have-everyday ingredient for plump, healthy-looking skin?